sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

The Psychedelic Experience, 1964 - A inspiração para Tomorrow Never Knows, um livro e um disco de Timothy Leary.

The Psychedelic Experience - A Manual Based On The TIBETAN BOOK OF DEAD
By Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, Richard Alpert - 1964
Academy Editions 1971

The Psychedelic Experience/LSD - (CD Bootleg) Readings from The Book. 

Um manual de instruções de como iniciar a sua trip psicadélica, com drogas... consta que John adquiriu uma cópia e como resultado tivemos a inspiração para  "Tomorrow Never Know" do album "Revolver". Timothy Leary também inspirou John a escrever "Come Together", durante a sua campanha para a California ( foi preso e a campanha interrompida). Mais tarde esteve presente na  gravação de "Give Peace a Chance". Timothy Leary pode também ser visto com os Beatles na gravação televisiva de "All You Need Is Love".

 "Leary was the one going round saying, take it, take it, take it. And we followed his instructions in his 'how to take a trip' book. I did it just like he said in the book, and then I wrote Tomorrow Never Knows, which was almost the first acid song: 'Lay down all thoughts surrender to the void,' and all that shit which Leary had pinched from The Book Of The Dead". (retirado de John Lennon Anthology.)

O LP original Broadside BRX 601, Made in USA 1966

O LP original Pixie CA 1069, Made in USA

O CD Bootleg, raro, que junta os dois LP anteriores- As leituras do Psychedelic e ainda L.S.D.

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